Wednesday, May 30th
I have been cleaning and mopping to prepare for Craig and the rest of our group, its a good workout. I blog in between. I am looking forward to seeing them, we pick them up in an hour and are going to eat at Pepe's. Craig is an inspiring scientist and a brilliant team leader, so I'm sure we will work hard and learn a lot while he's here. I was told that because the grand opening for the new labs is this year, the place will be jam packed, and that there is barely going to be enough room for all the people. I don't mind, but damn it if anyone is going to get in the way between me and my chow! Hehe. My waterbottle has smelled like whale ever since I ate it. I've washed it once, but the oil gets everywhere. The lab smelled for a few hours.
My camera battery is slain and no longer charges :( I have a plan, though; I will buy a new elph digital that is small and easy to carry, along with a new battery for the bigger camera. Perry's precious Nicole (his laptop) gave him a critical error and he had to trouble shoot it. The IT guys here seem to have taken to him, and he is now one the the computer geek clan. On the upside, I am enjoying myself no matter what. This experience is awesome! I have been listening to my iPod and all the music Michi gave me a lot. It keeps me in good spirits, along with the people I am up here with.
I forgot to add some of the things we did on my blog previously, but since I am a little sleep deprived and don't usually know what time it is, I have forgotten what day and when we all did them. Anyway, before I forget even more I will post it!
Hmm...let's see...we went out to the field site on the "Cake Eater" road. There was nothing but white. We did see a couple of locals on their dog sled, but other than that it's just white. I felt like Neo in the Matrix. It's hard to get your berings in that environment, so I have been looking at a lot of maps to memorize where I'll be just in case. Santonu and Dave told me that in a few weeks I won't even recognize the place. The ice melts quickly and a new landscape slowly emerges to reveal itself. Dave is crazy! He went out with no jacket and in his chanclas (sorry for mispelling the slang guys!). The wind cuts into you out here. I will need to make sure I wear enough layers beneath my clothes. My jacket is awesome though THANK YOU GORE TEX. 

I am look forward to working in the field, but more importantly to learning more and practicing the science. I'm sure I will have a greater appreciation for experimental design and field work. I have been messing around on the ukelele a bit, but overall I haven't spent much time on it. I will have to find more information on it too. I have been drawing a bit, but I usually do that on my own when no one is around so I don't have to show my work. I wish I had brought some literature to read, like some poetry, stories and my plant physiology book. I want to learn more about this area and hopefully I can develop my own project out here. I am surrounded by some brilliant minds I would love to pick, including the ones I work with.